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- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, and Ocean Engineering (Doctoral Program)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, and Ocean Engineering (Doctoral Program)
Profile of candidates
The scope of the department's studies covers mechanical engineering, materials science, naval architecture and ocean engineering, and aerospace engineering. The research conducted at the department is built upon analysis of physical phenomena from the micro to macro levels. Such research examines, for example, basic technologies for designing micromachines, large structures, and other advanced systems in an integrated manner; the development of environmentally-friendly functional and structural materials as well as associated manufacturing and processing methods based on a clear understanding of physically defined origins of the mechanical and other properties of solid materials; and methods and systems for tapping into energy in ocean spaces through microengineering to design mobile objects and structures. In this manner, the department's educational program is designed to turn aspiring engineers and researchers as profiled below into creative global leaders who have practical and advanced skills. Hence, the department seeks the following individuals.
School-wide candidate profile
- Aspires to build a foundation in the mathematical and information sciences, to acquire expertise, and to establish sound ethics as a future scientist or engineer.
- Engages in innovative efforts to strengthen and advance one's chosen industry.
- Pursues studies and conducts research in earnest to lead manufacturing on a global scale while giving due attention to the broader society beyond one's scope of specialization.
Department-wide candidate profile
- Exhibits aptitude to lead engineers and researchers in advanced practices.
- Mechanical Engineering; With a Master's level expertise in mechanical engineering or related fields of aerospace engineering, keen to become creative researchers and engineers with the excellent ability to construct advanced machines and mechanical systems under the TED Program, or keen to gain practical skills and work globally and independently as practitioners and researchers while addressing issues involving mechanical engineering under the PED Program.
- Materials Science Frontier: With a Master's level expertise in material engineering and science, or related fields of aerospace engineering, interested in advanced or practical research and technologies related to material mechanics and processing, material strength and structure, material function and composition, or material physics and chemistry.
- Systems Design for Ocean-Space: With a Master's level expertise in naval architecture and ocean engineering or related fields of aerospace engineering, keen to apply advanced technologies for using marine space and for combining basic technologies under the TED Program, or keen to engage in practical and technical challenges involved in the planning, construction, and operation of devices for using marine space under the PED Program.
- Energy Materials: With specialized knowledge at the early doctoral level in materials engineering or mechanical engineering, and interested in advanced research and technology related to either the strength and microstructure of materials used in energy equipment or the function and structure of materials.
Levels of knowledge and skills required for admission
Knowledge and skill levels required for admission to the doctoral programs at the department are defined at the school-wide, department-wide, and individual program levels.
Department-wide required levels of knowledge and skills
The following levels of knowledge and skills are expected of candidates for admission who can professionally, creatively both drive and lead innovation:
TED Program: Doctor of Engineering degree
- Foundational academic skills for pursuing further studies in mechanical engineering, materials science, and naval architecture and ocean engineering; master-level skills in one's discipline; advanced skills for conducting research and development; and skills for solving unprecedented challenges by flexibly making balanced judgments from a broad perspective
- The ability to share one's findings with the world and the inner drive to lead research in new directions
PED Program: Doctor of Engineering degree
- Master-level expertise in mechanical engineering, materials science, naval architecture and ocean engineering to pursue further studies in such fields; and the eagerness to enhance one's expertise while seeking guidance on thesis writing through studio courses offered in the relevant fields and to ultimately earn a doctoral degree
Basic policy for screening candidates
The department adopts a multifaceted, holistic approach to screening candidates to Master of Engineering degree programs. Candidates' interests, motivations, attitudes, knowledge, and skills are evaluated through academic subject examinations, interviews, and other procedures implemented at the school-wide, department-wide, and individual program levels.
TED Program: Doctor of Engineering degree
PED Program: Doctor of Engineering degree
General screening
- Academic achievement tests are intended to examine candidates' foundational academic skills.
- Candidates are screened based on academic achievement tests (proficiency in English as a foreign language, academic subjects, and oral examinations) and a review of the application documents.
- In the oral examination, each candidate is expected to describe the candidate's master's thesis or other equivalent thesis (or a research abstract for candidates expecting to complete a master's program), their intended research plans for the doctoral program, and their academic skills in their intended disciplines.
- Proficiency in English as a foreign language is examined based on TOEIC or TOEFL original score certificates.
Advancement to doctoral programs on recommendation
- Candidates who are expected to earn master's degrees from the Graduate School of Engineering Science at YNU may advance to doctoral programs offered by the school upon receiving a recommendation from the school.
Special screening of professionals
- Candidates are screened based on application documents and interviews (regarding their areas of specialty, master's theses, research achievements, and research plans).
Special screening before arrival to Japan
- Intended applicants are those who reside outside Japan and have earned or expect to earn a master's degree, professional degree, or equivalent degree from an institution outside Japan
- Candidates are screened based on an application document review and academic achievement tests (written examinations, or oral examinations (online interviews) and/or other forms of oral examinations).
Screening for the double-degree program conducted with Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China
- Candidates are screened based on application documents and interviews (for Systems Design for Ocean-Space).