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Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Image1 Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Image2

Educational Philosophy

Master's Program

Based on its educational philosophy, the department broadens the horizons of master's students in mathematical science, physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communication engineering, information engineering, health information engineering, applied physics, and other relevant disciplines. It also conducts advanced research by building on its strong track record in research into electronic and optical devices, communication systems, mathematical networks, and other areas.

Doctoral Program

Similar to the master's programs, the doctoral programs at the department require broad familiarity and interdisciplinary knowledge in mathematical science, physics, and other basic sciences, as well as their engineering application. By engaging in the world's leading research activities, these doctoral programs deepen the knowledge gained in the master's programs and help students take initiatives in the creation and development of science and industry in the fields of mathematical science, physics, applied physics, as well as electrical, electronic, communication, information, and medical information engineering. In this manner, the programs produce leading researchers and engineers who can creatively address challenges faced by the knowledge-based and information-driven society that is going through a radical change.

Educational Goals

Master's Program

The innovation in information and communication technology that has utterly transformed our society owes its remarkable development to electrical, electronic, communication, and information engineering. Further paradigm shifts and innovation require integrated and interdisciplinary understanding in extensive fields from basic science in mathematics and physics to applied engineering. The master's programs at the department produces globally competitive, practical, and creative engineers and researchers by offering learning and research opportunities in a wide area including mathematical science, physics, applied physics, as well as electrical, electronic, communication, information, and medical information engineering.

Doctoral Program

Similar to the master's programs, the doctoral programs at the department require broad familiarity and interdisciplinary knowledge in mathematical science, physics, and other basic sciences, as well as their engineering application. By engaging in the world's leading research activities, these doctoral programs deepen the knowledge gained in the master's programs and help students take initiatives in the creation and development of science and industries in the fields of mathematical science, physics, applied physics, as well as electrical, electronic, communication, information, and medical information engineering. In this manner, the programs produce leading researchers and engineers who can creatively address challenges faced by the knowledge-based and information-driven society that is going through a radical change.

Three Policies


Specialization Degree to be awarded Education Program
Mathematical Sciences Master of Science / Doctor of Science Science Degree Program
Physics Master of Science / Doctor of Science Professional Science Degree (PSD) Program
Applied Physics Master of Engineering / Doctor of Engineering T-type Engineering Degree (TED) Program / Pi-type Engineering Degree (PED) Program
Information Systems Master of Engineering / Doctor of Engineering T-type Engineering Degree (TED) Program / Pi-type Engineering Degree (PED) Program
Electrical and Computer Engineering Master of Engineering / Doctor of Engineering T-type Engineering Degree (TED) Program / Pi-type Engineering Degree (PED) Program