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- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, and Ocean Engineering (Doctoral Program)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, and Ocean Engineering (Doctoral Program)
Educational system and curriculum framework
Policy for curriculum development
TED Program: Doctor degree
List of School-wide core courses:
Advanced Study in Mechanical Engineering (3), Advanced Mechatronics Design (2), Advanced Ultra High-speed Machining (2), Advanced Lectures on Fracture Mechanics (2), Advanced Turbo Machinery (2), Advanced Rarefied Gas Dynamics (2), Robotic Manipulation (2), Advanced Space Propulsion Engineering (2), Advanced Lectures on Elastoplasticity Theory (2), Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (2), Non-linear Structural Simulation (2), In-depth Lecture on Micromanipulation (2), Special Issues on Mechanical System Control (2), Thermo-fluid Dynamics of Combustion (2), Topics on Applied Fluid Dynamics (2), Turbulence Measurement (2), Optical Microfabrication Engineering (2), Advanced Combined Heat Transfer (2), Advanced Applied Thermofluid Engineering (2), Advanced Cyber-robotics (2), Advanced Thin Film Fabrication (2), Advanced Exercise in Materials Engineering (3), Teaching Practice in Materials Engineering (1), Off-campus Exercise in Materials Engineering (1), Advanced Study in Materials Engineering (2), Optical Semiconductor Technology (2), Advanced Fracture Mechanics of Materials (2), Special Lecture on Multi-functional Composites (2), Advanced Material Forming Process (2), Advanced Functional Material Engineering (2), Fatigue of Metallic Materials (2), Local Equilibrium Theory (2), Leading-edge Materials Engineering (2), Advanced Exercises in Ocean and Space System Engineering (3), Advanced Computational Fluid Analysis (2), Structural Information System (2), Advanced Ship and Marine Structural Design Methodologies (2), Advanced Spacecraft Attitude Control (2), Advanced Seakeeping Qualities (2), Advanced Aircraft Aerodynamic Design (2), Advanced Ocean Resources and Energy Engineering (2), Advanced Theory in Dynamics of Floating Bodies Engineering (2), Advanced Aerospace Utilization Engineering (2), Advanced Engineering Turbulence (2), Advanced Maritime Traffic Safety (2), Advanced Engineering for Ocean Development (2), Teaching Practice in Mechanical Engineering (1), Off-Campus Exercise in Mechanical Engineering (1), Advanced Study in Mechanical Engineering (1), Overseas Internship in Mechanical Engineering (1), International Internships in Materials Engineering (1), Advanced Study in Ocean and Space System Engineering (2), Teaching Practice in Ocean and Space System Engineering (1), Off-campus Exercise in Ocean and Space System Engineering (1), International Internship in Ocean and Space System Engineering (1), Thermal Fluid Engineering for Rotating Electric Machines (2), Virtual Design Engineering (2), Surface Modification Technologies (2), Advanced Thin Film Technology (2), Advanced Systems Engineering Theory of Ship Design (2), and Advanced Lectures on Dynamics of Machines (2)
The corresponding number of credits is shown in parentheses.
First year
Students determine their own research projects, and each student is assigned an academic advisor. Under the guidance of their advisors, students prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan. The academic advisors provide research guidance through advanced exercises and so forth according to the disciplines selected by their students, who must deliver midterm presentations on their research findings.
Second year
Students determine their own research projects with their advisors, and prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan under the guidance of their advisors. The academic advisors provide research guidance through advanced exercises and so forth according to the disciplines selected by their students, who must deliver midterm presentations on their research findings.
Third year
Students determine their own research projects with their advisors, and prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan under the guidance of their advisors. The academic advisors provide research guidance through advanced exercises and so forth according to the disciplines selected by their students. Aside from delivering midterm presentations on their research findings, students prepare doctoral theses under the guidance of their academic advisors. In response to a doctoral thesis submitted for program completion, a thesis review committee is set up to conduct the thesis review and administer final examinations. A doctoral degree is awarded after obtaining the approval of the faculty council (board of representatives) of the graduate school.
PED Program: Doctor of Engineering degree
The program consists of the following modules and studio courses.
(2) Advanced Design of Thermal and Fluid Systems
(3) Advanced Design of Integrated Systems
(5) Macro System Design
Studio courses corresponding to Module (1), (2), or (3)
Advanced Mechatronics Design (2), Advanced Ultra High-speed Machining (2), Advanced Lectures on Fracture Mechanics (2), Advanced Turbo Machinery (2), Advanced Rarefied Gas Dynamics (2), Robotic Manipulation (2), Advanced Space Propulsion Engineering (2), Advanced Lectures on Elastoplasticity Theory (2), Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (2), Non-linear Structural Simulation (2), In-depth Lecture on Micromanipulation (2), Special Issues on Mechanical System Control (2), Thermo-fluid Dynamics of Combustion (2), Topics on Applied Fluid Dynamics (2), Turbulence Measurement (2), Optical Microfabrication Engineering (2), Advanced Combined Heat Transfer (2), Advanced Applied Thermofluid Engineering (2), Advanced Cyber-robotics (2), Advanced Thin Film Fabrication、Overseas Internship in Mechanical Engineering (1), Sub-research Studio A in Mechanical Engineering (2), Sub-research Studio B in Mechanical Engineering (2), Thermal Fluid Engineering for Rotating Electric Machines (2), Virtual Design Engineering (2), Surface Modification Technologies (2), and Advanced Lectures on Dynamics of Machines (2)
The corresponding number of credits is shown in parentheses.
Studio courses corresponding to Module (4)
Optical Semiconductor Technology (2), Advanced Fracture Mechanics of Materials (2), Special Lecture on Multi-functional Composites (2), Advanced Material Forming Process (2), Advanced Functional Material Engineering (2), Fatigue of Metallic Materials (2), Local Equilibrium Theory (2), Leading-edge Materials Engineering (2), International Internships in Materials Engineering (1), Sub-research Exercise in Materials Engineering (4), and Advanced Thin Film Technology (2)
The corresponding number of credits is shown in parentheses.
Studio courses corresponding to Module (5)
Advanced Computational Fluid Analysis (2), Structural Information System (2), Advanced Ship and Marine Structural Design Methodologies (2), Advanced Spacecraft Attitude Control (2), Advanced Seakeeping Qualities (2), Advanced Aircraft Aerodynamic Design (2), Advanced Ocean Resources and Energy Engineering (2), Advanced Theory in Dynamics of Floating Bodies Engineering (2), Advanced Aerospace Utilization Engineering (2), Advanced Engineering Turbulence (2), Advanced Maritime Traffic Safety (2), Advanced Engineering for Ocean Development (2), International Internship in Ocean and Space System Engineering (1), Sub-research Studio in Material Ocean and Space Engineering (4), and Advanced Systems Engineering Theory of Ship Design (2)
The corresponding number of credits is shown in parentheses.
First year
An academic advisor is assigned to each student, who determines their specialized modules. Subsequently, students prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan under the guidance of their academic advisors and module managers. Students engage with their studio agendas under the guidance of their academic advisors and studio instructors through advanced exercises and so forth according to their disciplines, while the academic advisors and studio instructors provide necessary research guidance. Students must present activity plans for their studio agendas in a special session before preparing and submitting the studio deliverables.
Second year
Students determine their specialized modules with their advisors, and prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan under the guidance of their academic advisors and module managers. Students engage with their studio agendas under the guidance of their academic advisors and studio instructors through advanced exercises and so forth according to their disciplines, while the academic advisors and studio instructors provide necessary research guidance. Students must present activity plans for their studio agendas in a special session before preparing and submitting the studio deliverables.
Third year
Students determine their specialized modules with their advisors, and prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan under the guidance of their academic advisors and module managers.
Students engage with their studio agendas under the guidance of their academic advisors and studio instructors through advanced exercises and so forth according to their disciplines,
while the academic advisors and studio instructors provide necessary research guidance. Students must present activity plans for their studio agendas in a special session before preparing and submitting the studio deliverables.
Students prepare doctoral theses under the guidance of their academic advisors. In response to a doctoral thesis submitted for program completion, a thesis review committee is set up to conduct the thesis review and administer final examinations.
A doctoral degree is awarded after obtaining the approval of the faculty council (board of representatives) of the graduate school.
Policy for research guidance planning
- The TED and PED Programs have been designed to enhance research skills through relevant doctoral research in mechanical engineering, materials science, ocean engineering, and aerospace engineering.
- Students receive research guidance from their academic advisors through advanced exercises (TED), sub-research studio courses (PED), and so forth according to their disciplines.
- Students are strongly encouraged to take part in international conferences and overseas internships during their studies under their programs.
- Students from the TED and PED Programs prepare their doctoral theses under the guidance of their academic advisors while enhancing their writing skills.
Curriculum and grading criteria
Curriculum policy
The curriculum of the department is implemented at the school-wide, department-wide, and individual education program levels as follows in accordance with the curriculum organization policy, while realizing globally competitive and quality-assured graduate education.
TED Program: Doctor of Engineering degree:
Lectures and exercises in engineering are conducted mainly for later application in mechanical engineering, materials science, and ocean engineering. Research guidance is provided for students' selected disciplines to build up advanced skills for students to lead research and development.
PED Program: Doctor of Engineering degree:
Practically oriented modules are set up for studies in mechanical engineering, materials science, and ocean engineering. Research guidance is provided for students' selected disciplines to build up practical skills directly applicable in industry for students to conduct research and development.
Exceptions for education
The department grants the following exceptions for doctoral studies pursued by working professionals and other students with special needs—for instance, regarding classes and research guidance provided in the evening or at other times, or during other periods.
- Students may be granted an extended enrollment status in consideration of their professional duties or other special circumstances to complete their studies planned over a certain period beyond the standard duration for completing the doctoral program (three years).
- Unlike other students, students with an extended enrollment status may complete their studies with tuition that corresponds to the standard duration for completing the doctoral program (three years), regardless of the actual duration of their studies.
- Applications for extended enrollment status may be filed by successful candidates from the special screening for professionals who remain in service after admission.
Grading standards
A range of factors are taken into account in determining grades for courses using the grading methods stated in the Web Syllabus. University-wide grading standards apply based on the university's course designing and grading guideline. Grades are expressed in terms of five levels— S, A, B, C, and F—and grade points (GP) are awarded for grades achieved in each course. However, where it is difficult to express grades in terms of five levels, course grades are expressed as Pass or Fail and GP are not awarded.
As part of its grading standards, course rubrics are prepared as indicators for assessing learning outcomes; these clearly indicate in matrix format the content to be studied and the levels to be attained by students.
Grades | Grading standards | GP | Scores |
S | Level exceeding advanced goal attained | 4.5 | 100-90 |
A | Advanced goal attained | 4.0 | 89-80 |
B | Level between standard goal and advanced goal attained | 3.0 | 79-70 |
C | Standard goal attained | 2.0 | 69-60 |
F | Standard goal not attained | 0 | 59-0 |
- The advanced goal indicates all content covered in the course (the aims of the course). Mastering more advanced content requires independent study; if the advanced goal is exceeded, an S grade is awarded.
- The standard goal indicates the minimum content to be mastered by students taking a course; if the standard goal is attained, a C grade is awarded, indicating a level of attainment requiring further study.
Policy for study guidance offered from admission to completion of program
Study guidance policy
Adequate study guidance in the department is provided at the school-wide, department-wide, and individual program levels as follows based on the various needs of students and the effectiveness of the relevant assistance.
TED Program: Doctor of Engineering degree
First year
Students determine their own research projects, and each student is assigned an academic advisor. Under the guidance of their advisors, students prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan. The academic advisors provide research guidance through advanced exercises and so forth according to the disciplines selected by their students, who must deliver midterm presentations on their research findings.
Second year
Students determine their own research projects with their advisors, and prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan under the guidance of their advisors. The academic advisors provide research guidance through advanced exercises and so forth according to the disciplines selected by their students, who must deliver midterm presentations on their research findings.
Third year
Students determine their own research projects with their advisors, and prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan under the guidance of their advisors.
The academic advisors provide research guidance through advanced exercises and so forth according to the disciplines selected by their students. Aside from delivering midterm presentations on their research findings, students prepare doctoral theses under the guidance of their academic advisors.
In response to a doctoral thesis submitted for program completion, a thesis review committee is set up to conduct the thesis review and administer final examinations.
A doctoral degree is awarded after obtaining the approval of the faculty council (board of representatives) of the graduate school.
PED Program: Doctor of Engineering degree
First year
An academic advisor is assigned to each student, who determines their specialized modules. Subsequently, students prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan under the guidance of their academic advisors and module managers. Students engage with their studio agendas under the guidance of their academic advisors and studio instructors through advanced exercises and so forth according to their disciplines, while the academic advisors and studio instructors provide necessary research guidance. Students must present activity plans for their studio agendas in a special session before preparing and submitting the studio deliverables.
Second year
Students determine their specialized modules with their advisors, and prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan under the guidance of their academic advisors and module managers. Students engage with their studio agendas under the guidance of their academic advisors and studio instructors through advanced exercises and so forth according to their disciplines, while the academic advisors and studio instructors provide necessary research guidance. Students must present activity plans for their studio agendas in a special session before preparing and submitting the studio deliverables.
Third year
Students determine their specialized modules with their advisors, and prepare an annual course registration plan and an annual research plan under the guidance of their academic advisors and module managers.
Students engage with their studio agendas under the guidance of their academic advisors and studio instructors through advanced exercises and so forth according to their disciplines, while the academic advisors and studio instructors provide necessary research guidance.
Students must present activity plans for their studio agendas in a special session before preparing and submitting the studio deliverables.
Students prepare doctoral theses under the guidance of their academic advisors. In response to a doctoral thesis submitted for program completion, a thesis review committee is set up to conduct the thesis review and administer final examinations. A doctoral degree is awarded after obtaining the approval of the faculty council (board of representatives) of the graduate school.
Extended enrollment
Students with professional duties or other special circumstances may be granted extended enrollment status after application to enable them to complete their studies planned over a certain period beyond the standard duration for completing the doctoral program (three years).